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Traditional Romanian Easter Cake

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Adjust Servings:
400 g Schär Mix Pâtisserie
1 sachet baking powder
1 tbsp guar gum
16 g vanilla sugar
250 g margarine
1 tsp salt
50 ml sparkling water
3 tbsp yogurt
50 g raisins
6 apricots
30 ml cognac
8 eggs
1 kg cottage cheese or ricotta cheese
100 g semolina
50 g sugar
16 g vanilla sugar
1 lemon peel only
To brush
1 egg
20 ml milk

Nutritional information

706 kcal
34.4 g
73.2 g
12.2 g

Traditional Romanian Easter Cake

  • gluten-free

Known as "Pasca", this cake is made with a rich bread dough and a creamy, tangy cheese filling that's studded with plump raisins.

It's the perfect balance of sweet and savory, and it's a beloved treat in Romania and beyond.

  • 105 min
  • Serves 8
  • Medium


  • Filling

  • To brush



To get started with this gluten free easter cake, you’ll need the following ingredients:



Cover the raisins and apricots in cognac (or rum) and water. Sift the flour, baking powder and guar gum in a large bowl, then add the vanilla sugar, margarine (or butter) and salt, mixing with a wooden spoon. Incorporate the sparkling water and yogurt, kneading lightly.


Add more margarine and yogurt if necessary. Tip the mixture onto a lightly floured work surface and gently knead for about 10 minutes to a soft, smooth, and pliable dough, adding more flour if too wet. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.


Separate the eggs in 2 large bowls. Using an electric whisk, beat the whites until stiff. Mix the yolks for 2 seconds and pour in the cottage/ricotta cheese, whisking for 1 minute. Incorporate the semolina, regular and vanilla sugar, then roughly peel the lemon. Whisk for 1 more minute, taste for sugar and fold in the egg whites and 2/3 of the drained fruits. Mix until fully combined and smooth.


Grease a springform cake tin with butter and lightly dust the whole surface with flour. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll it out into a 2-3 mm thickness, or as thin as possible. Roll the dough on the rolling pin, go over the cake tin and start to unwrap it, from the bottom to the top. Press the dough onto the tin, using a knife to cut away the excess, then pour in the cheese mixture.


Add the rest of the drained fruits and bake for 1h at 180 °C. After 20 minutes, brush the gluten free easter cake with a mixture of a beaten egg and milk.

Radu Vasile

Celiac PRO since the age of 3 and the creator of "The Gluten-Free Recipes".

A side view of some gluten free and vegan donuts sitting on a plate, topped with dried fruits
A front view of a gluten free kinder delice dessert served on a plate and topped with dried fruits
Milk Slices
A side view of some gluten free and vegan donuts sitting on a plate, topped with dried fruits
A front view of a gluten free kinder delice dessert served on a plate and topped with dried fruits
Milk Slices

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